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Bridging the Gap: Farmer-Centric Solutions for Effective NDC Implementation
Watch: Locally Determined Choices for Nationally Determined Contributions
COP28: Launch of the GCF-NDC Partnership Joint Climate Investment Planning & Mobilization Work
ISAP2024 TT 2: Co-creating the National Long-term Roadmap to Synergise Mitigation and Adaptation
IUCN: Making adaptation effective through ecosystem-based approaches
InnovationTalk#UNBeSciWeek - Behavioural approaches for development and climate programmes
NAP-Ag MOOC Week 5 part 2
Food systems opportunities to deliver low-emission climate-resilient development strategies
Livestock transitions: Global options and local realities for adaptation and mitigation
The nexus for water, food and energy: Bridging the financing gap in climate adaptation programmes
iCARE Webinar Series | Scaling Innovations in Climate-Smart Agriculture
GFFA 2022 Expert Panel 11 - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office UK